Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Digi Stamp Card

Here's another card made using Digi stamps. This image is again from Sketching Stampers Digi Stamps.

It's colored using Copic Markers in R35 Coral, R37 Carmine, G21 Lime Green and G24 Willow.

I dusted off my crimper and ran a piece of kraft card stock through it. Tied a green gingham piece of ribbon to it and added it on the green card stock. The base of the card is obviously white, and I layered the main digi image with red card stock from Bazzill. This is fast layout that is kind of classic. It can work for just about anything!

I just love to color and it sure does take my mind off of whatever is troubling me at the moment! =)

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty card! You always do such a nice job coloring your images!


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