Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Autumn Watercolor

Good afternoon!

I just completed the sketch challenge over at SCS and was very pleased at how my card turned out and thought I'd share! It took a while to get there.....

I started stamping around 10:15 PM (I had to watch America's got talent).

The main image is from Papertrey Ink and I colored directly on the stamp with Marvy Le Plume markers in English rose and Olive green. Misted with water and stamped on watercolor paper. I had some designer paper from Making Memories that I wanted to use for the right panel, but it just wasn't working. So, on the hunt I go for something else (this is at 10:45 PM). I tried so many other colors of paper, nope not working, then reached for my back ground stamps. I tried several before finally deciding to use the weathered BG stamp from TAC which is retired. I used the same marker in english rose to color the stamp and ta da !!!

Ok - then I was on the hunt for the perfect Olive green. Talk about frustrating and I guess that I'm all out of my favorite from Bazzill. Time to restock! I ended up going with a darker olive from DCWV. It works, but not what I really wanted. Olive green grosgrain ribbon is used in the corner and as a tab of the main panel.

I did stamp the inside of this card, but can not get a good shot of it! I just repeated the flower image and will stamp a sentiment for the occasion that I need later.

I ended up finishing this card at 12:30 AM! I wasted a good two hours searching and destroying for the perfect back ground stamp and the right color olive green. Sheesh - why aren't things ever easy? Or is it just us stampers and scrapbookers who have to have things perfect (in our minds) and just so? What do you think?

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