Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Hey everyone! Here is my latest card for the SCS sketch challenge. I so struggled with this one! Those darn panels in the back ground gave me such fits last night! AND I had trouble with my main stamped image - the ink kept smearing!

I really got frustrated with the ink. I was coloring with my copic blender pen, which is like you get the picture - smears, bleeding, etc. I tried Palette Noir first, nope didn't work. Tried Memento - nope bled through too. I think I threw three images away before I just decided to use clear embossing powder to lock down the lines. Bingo! Here's the result, which took way too long to complete! LOL!


  • Stamp - Inkadinkado
  • Palette true black ink
  • Paper - DCWV luxury stack
  • Black card stock
  • Pure luxury card stock
  • Black Rhinestones by Kaiser Craft

Sometimes, no matter how much trouble you're having on a card, you just need to grit your teeth and stick with it! I'm glad I stuck with this one! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous! I love that seems to shimmer, does it?


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