Monday, April 6, 2009

Card Sketch Tuesday #123

Wow - is it Tuesday already??? The weather in the pacific northwest has been so sunny and beautiful that I've lost track of time! I'm hoping spring is here to stay!

Card measures the normal A2 size. The square is intended to be an accent piece - patterned paper, etc. The tilted rectangle is supposed to be your main image - but I can also see some cute stamping on that back panel in my future!

I left mine white and added some black dots to coordinate with the main image. The main image is done with markers and huffing - the stamp has lines for journaling in the middle - which I didn't want. So, I just didn't color them in with my marker.

Once I had the tag stamped, I masked it off with post it notes and stamped the leaf stems in the middle. The little senitment fits just perfect in that circle! I thought the little tag just needed a ribbon for that finishing tough! The green satin in stapled on right on top of the circle.

Have a super week!


  • Stamps - Memo fun, Tag Tid Bits, Deco Designs from The Angle Company
  • Ink - Palette Jardin Moss
  • Black markers
  • Green satin ribbon (TAC)
  • Card stock - Greens from different TAC paper packs

ETA: Please check out this post by Janny! She used this sketch to make this super card!


  1. Hi!

    I'm back with my challenge entry! It was really hard to keep quiet that I had a card done. lol.


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