Thursday, February 12, 2009

Challenge Cards

Hi all! Here are two recent challenge cards that I did over on SCS. One is the weekly sketch challenge and the other is for the new CAS (Clean and Simple) challenge.

I have no idea who make this stamp!!! I'm 100% positive that I bought it at the Heirloom stamp show, it's unmounted and un-labled! Next year I'm writing down the manufacture name on the back of the stamp as I buy them!

I colored the flowers with Copic markers, after stamping the image with Palette Noir onto Gina K's luxury card stock. Bazzill mid and light green card stock make up the middle layers and the purples are from Paper Pizazz. I added a bit of satin ribbon on the side and found these mini brads from Queen & Co. for the corners.

This one was done for the CAS challenge - it was an inspiration one and you can find the link here! I stamped the images in distress ink in worn lipstick. I also sponged it on another piece of card stock so that I could layer it under the verticle stamped panel and have everything match. Stamps are from SU called priceless.

Back in a few days to share in another blog hop for national friendship month!



  1. Laurie these are so pretty! I love the pink one! Fabulous darling!

  2. Laurie these are so pretty! I love the pink one! Fabulous darling!

  3. Both cards are great! The purple and green is so pretty and I'm lovin' the little piece of ribbon. The butterfly card is gorgeous!!! The layout is great!

    Sarah G


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