Thursday, January 15, 2009

Post it notes!

Here's a little cover I created to cover up some post it notes.

I started with some heavy weight scrap chipboard, which I cut about 1/4 inch bigger than a package of post it notes. I used a glue stick to adhere the paper to the chipboard and then rolled over it with my brayer to make sure that it stuck. I used a tag to stamp the "just a note" sentiment and layered it with coordinating card stock. I stamped a few flowers in matching chalk ink, added a white dot to the center of the flower with a gel pen, and finished with matching ribbon.

I lined the inside with paper from the same paper pack to give it a finished look. Stamped more of the flowers on the inside and the post it note papers. Finally binding everything together with the "Bind it all".

I was very please with how this turned out and plan to make a few more in the future. Have a great weekend!

Paper - Angelee from The Angel Company
Ribbon - The Angel Company
Stamps - TAC - tag tid bits and petal pack
Versamagic chalk ink
Palette Noir ink
White gel pen
Post it notes
Heavy chip board
Bind it all wires


  1. This is so beautiful! I would LOVE to get a bind-it-all.
    It is on my wishlist

  2. Lovely! It makes the post its so much more attractive. I'm sure it keeps them from getting all bent up too.

  3. I love this and have this project on my TO MAKE list. I think it would be great for my daughter's teachers. I love the Angelee papers. Wonderful job!

  4. This is "precious!" I would love to make this for Christmas gifts this year....TFS a wonderful idea...Oh, I guess you have enabled me to buy a Bind It All :)

  5. Fabulous idea and such a pretty outer cover!

  6. I love this idea! Great project!


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