Sunday, October 5, 2008

SCS WCMD sketch challenge Poinsettia card

I had so much fun playing around in the craft room yesterday! Here's my take on the SCS world card making day sketch challenge yesterday.As you can see I colored a lot yesterday! =) It was so relaxing to sit down and play! Now I have to clean up and re-organize, as I tore up the craft room in my creative endeavors! LOL! I used Copic Ciao to color, added some yellow stickles in the center of the poinsettia (not sure if I like it or not) and then added red stickles to the berries (which I do like). I have quite a few bottles of stickles and find that I don't use them very often, and if I do, I tend to reach for the red one first. They always seem to glob up on me - therefore if I want to add a bit of sparkle, I always reach for the stardust pen first.

Well, I'm off to blog hop around and see what everyone came up with for World Card Making Day! See ya soon!

Stamps - Inkadinkado - Holiday Classics
Ink - Palette Noir
Paper - red cs by Bazzill, green from Core'dinations
Yellow stickles
Red stickles
Copic Ciao Markers - Y08, G05, E33, E35, R27, and R29


  1. This looks fabulous, Laurie. (I did this SCS sketch too. I'll post mine on my blog later this week-I fluffled it!)

  2. I'm like you! I have a favorite stickles and my stardust pen. IF I'm in the mood to wait for my card to dry and is a pretty nice amount of space I want detailed, I used stickles but my stardust gel pen is so handy and easy to use that I'll not change it for anything while I can! And want that look.

  3. Beautiful! Your coloring is fantastic!!

    Sarah G.

  4. Gorgeous! Love your poinsettia! Your coloring is fantastic! Great Christmas card!


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