Thursday, October 16, 2008

SCS sketch - snowman

Greetings everyone! I wanted to show you what I came up with on this weeks SCS sketch Challenge, which you can find here. I also combined it with the ways to use it challenge, which was mad for plaid!

I stamped the snowman in Palette Noir and colored him with prisma colored pencils. I did blend the black with OMS. The snow at the bottom is highlighted with some glitter, which was applied with a quickie glue pen. I highlighted the snowflakes with a stardust gel pen to make them stand out a bit more. I decided not to embellish this little guy any further due to how busy the plaid back ground is. Overall, I'm very pleased with how this turned out! Thanks for looking and have a wonderful week!


Stamp - Penny Black
Paper - Plaid is from Paper Pizzazz, Black and white card stock


  1. This is adorable!! Love the cute snowman and the plaid is perfect for him!

  2. How cute, Laurie! Great job! I'm getting so in the mood for Christmas already!

  3. Great card! You're right that it doesn't need any other kind of embellishments. Sometimes simple is better.

  4. Very cute card!! I love the plaid background and your coloring on the snowman is very good!

    Sarah G.

  5. SO cute! Love the snowman and the plaid! :D


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