Sunday, August 3, 2008

Card Sketch #83 - Blue Bird

Hey there! I'm back from the week long road trip to the coast! Wow, that went fast! Why is it that work weeks last forever and vacation weeks go by in a flash?

I took some stamping stuff with me, but didn't get a chance to play all that much as we were seeing the sights most of the time! I just took some small stamps with me and my prisma color pencils and OMS, so I could color! Wow, don't I sound about 5 years old when I say that? I always did like to color - guess I haven't grown up all that much! giggling!

Anyway, here is sketch #83! This is 4 x 4 square and can be used for a quick little card at any time!

The background is done using my new cuttlebug embossing folder - this new one went great with the stamp I used! I did try to run an ink pad over the embossing to give the limbs a brown look - it came out so ugly, that I tossed that one right in the garbage. Not what I was looking for, so I ended up staying naked, so to speak! =)

The bird is colored with Prisma colored pencils and OMS - it's layered using my rectangle nestabilities and blue and brown card stock, as is the sentiment. I got lucky that I had ribbon that matched the blue cs that I had chosen!

I took so many pictures of the beach this last week - so you'll end up seeing some digital scrapbook pages soon!

Stamps - Bird is from Studio G and the sentiment is from TAC
Cardstock is from Bazzill and DCWV
Grosgrain Ribbon
Cuttlebug embossing folder


  1. I hope you had a great vacation! I love this card- the background is very cool and you're right, it goes perfectly with this card. :)

    Sarah G.

  2. soo sooo cute.
    love it ;)

    adding u to my blog ;)


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