Sunday, June 1, 2008

Digital pages

Here are a few more digital pages. The first one is from pictures that I took about two years ago from a camping trip on the Hamma Hamma river on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state.
The second one is from a hike we just took yesterday. We didn't intend it to be a three mile hike - we started walking and liked all the wildlife we were seeing and just kept going. This is only a very small sample of the pictures that I took. More pages to come on this one!

Most supplies are coming from Scrapgirls, Jessica Sprague and from Anne at ASB. It's so hard to keep track of what I use when my stash keeps growing and growing. I'll use an element from here, a paper from there, and so on!

Have a great week everyone! I'm going to try and post a sketch before I leave on Tuesday for a week on business.


  1. These are really great scrappages! I especially like the top one!!

  2. Beautiful pictures and the digital pages are so cool!

    Sarah G.


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