Sunday, June 15, 2008

Card Sketch #74 - Wishes

Here is sketch #74 - standard A2 size. This one is sweet and simple and would work wonderfully with some great designer papers!
I found this awesome stamp store up in Bellingham, Washington. OMG - I walked in and hit the mother load! I'll post pictures below. They must have thousands and thousands of stamps - from every company imaginable.

This new flower stamp from Penny Black is one of the two that I bought. I only spent $20 but could have easily spent hundreds of dollars in that store! Image is colored with Copic markers, and the little dots are colored with a stardust gel pen to make it sparkle. I don't usually use primas (even though I have quite a bit of them) on my cards, but decided to this time around. It sort of went with the theme. Anyway, the green card stock is from Bazzill and the yellow is from Coredinations. The yellow striped DP is from ??? I got it a while back ago from Michael's. The sentiment is from Savvy Stamps.

Do you see that great scalloped border? It's my new Fiskars punch - I haven't seen this before in any store, so when I saw it at my LSS, I snapped it up.

Ok, on to the pictures of this stamp store. It's called Stampadoodle, Inc. and I was truly amazed!

As you can see, row upon row of stamps! I was also blown away by all the card examples on the walls. What a fun store - can you just not image how many hours we could spend gawking in this place? Here's the link to their web site - Link

I hope everyone had a great Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laurie what fun you must have had...I love this card and the design and the yellow!! You sound like me...gawking...I do it all of the time...this is such an addicting habit...I have "blog candy"...come vist me :)


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