Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Angel Company Fall/Winter 2008 Catalogue

Well, it's finally here! The new Angel Company inspiration book and catalogue for Fall/Winter 2008! There are some really cool new paper packs and new stamps in the catty! Here's a picture of the front!

What's even BETTER is that one of my card submissions was chosen to be published in it!!! My card is on page 59, and used the build a buggie set, trendy greeting and Lilly Anna paper. Here's the card!

I just got home from a three day business trip and saw the Priority Mail envelope on the counter and saw that it was from TAC. I immediately ripped it open, thumbed to the back of the catty (where they publish who made it into the catty) and just let out a whopping scream and started jumping up and down! My DH thought I was nuts! TAC had an open call for designers this time around for the catalogue! It's great to see a lot of the Angels that I blog and RAK with published, too! Congratulations ladies!


  1. congrats! You're published! I'd be celebrating big time! love the card

  2. Congrats on your card in the cattie- how exciting!

  3. I am still waiting for my catalog.....but Congratulations on making the catalog!!!!!



  4. I love this card- it is beautiful! Congrats on being in the catty, you deserve it!!

  5. This was one of my favorite samples in the new catty! Congratulations! You did a great job!

  6. CONGRATS on being published! I LOVE that card, it is perfect

  7. Way to go Laurie!! That's so cool that your card is in the catalog!!! :)

    Sarah G.

  8. Great card. I love the ladybug. :0) Great job being published in the catty.


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