Sunday, May 18, 2008

Card Sketch #69 - Ferns

Here's sketch 69 - measuring 4 1/4 x 5 1/2. I gave this one a little tilt!
While at a scrapbook store up north, I found this sheet of linen paper. It's not really paper, its actual linen cut to 12x12 for use in scrapbooking. It was just beautiful and my mind was spinning with so many ideas on how to use it. As soon as I got home, I cut some strips off of it and began to play with some stamps and different inks to see what worked the best. I tried Chalk inks first, they don't work - it bled. Next up was Palette Hybrid inks - success! I stopped there, pulled some strings out to fray the ends a bit and whipped up this card.

The back ground is done with versamark ink and clear embossing powder on a ivory piece of card stock. I used SU tag punches to create the tag, added an eyelet (can you see it?) and added some jute and tied it into a bow. That took a while - jute is sometimes hard to work with. In this case, I think I actually used hemp instead of jute. Either way, the bow drove me crazy for about 10 minutes until it looked half way decent.

This is an old stamp from The Angel Company that's long ago retired but a treasured favorite of mine. I have never posted three times in one day, but when your on a roll - your on a roll! I hope everyone has a great week!

Stamps - TAC, fern and sentiment is from tag tid bits
Paper - ivory card stock, green is Bazzill
Versamark, palette noir and jardin moss inks
Clear embossing powder


  1. Such an elegant card! Cool sketch, too...I'll have to see I can find time to try this out later.

    Sarah G.
    Angelhood 2

  2. That linen is so neat- great card!

  3. Love the look of this card.


  4. Hi,

    Just wanted to say "Hello". You've got a great blog. Glad to be a part of the sisterhood with you!

    Angel #1052

  5. Congrats, on winning a contest!

    I hope that I will do the same one day.



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