Friday, April 11, 2008

Card Sketch #62 - Legal size

Ok...doing something a bit different on this one! Let's make it long - legal sized or 3 3/4 x 8 1/2, which is just a little shorter than a legal envelope.

The picture is too dark to actually see the dark purple card stock that was used to layer the panels. The main panel measures 3 1/4 x 4 and the two side panels measure 1 1/4 x 2 3/4 without the purple layers.

I used my Copic markers to color the main panel. The bottom right panel is done with Palette Muted Violet chalk ink, stamped off once, which matched the main panel just perfectly!

I couldn't decide what to put in the middle of the was too much white space for me and thought it needed something! I played around with some ribbon...didn't work. In the end I used some purple brads that matched the background card stock.

I added some crystals to the center of the flowers and then used the stardust gel pen for highlighting the smaller flower centers.

The weather here is just gorgeous today...sun is out, I see blue skies! Hopefully this bodes well for a wonderful weekend....time for spring - out with the rain and in with the sun! But you never know here in the Northwest....wait a few minutes and it'll change! Have a great weekend, everyone!

Stamps - CTMH Friendship blessings
Ink - Palette Noir and Muted Violet Chalk
Copic Colors - bv00 (Mauve Shadow) bv02 (Prune) and YG67 (Moss)
outlined in c1 (cool gray)
Purple Card stock - Bazzill
Purple Brads

1 comment:

  1. Love this card size - but I have yet to make one! Love the stamps and colours - so springy!!


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