Saturday, January 26, 2008

Card Sketch #48 - cutout criss cross

I really enjoy doing criss cross cards and was playing around and came up with this cut out version. Card dimensions are 4 1/4 x 5 1/2.

I used white cardstock as a starting point and layered on the designer paper. To give it more punch I matted it using the colors that were dominate in the dp. Using your craft knife and a ruler carefully cut out the bottom triangle and then add a coordinating piece of designer paper to the inside of the card.

I stamped the flowers using palette noir and colored them with my Tria alcohol markers. The marker colors were a pretty good match for the colors in the dp. I carefully cut out the flowers, added a white brad for the centers and adhered them with a pop up circle.

Inside, on the designer paper was the perfect spot to stamp the sentiment and I went with it! Simple, short and sweet!

Designer paper - Basic Grey, perhaps
Stamps - The Angel Company
Bazzill olive green and burgandy cardstock
White brads
Palette Noir Ink
Tria alcohol markers


  1. This card is awesome, I love your inspiring sketches !!! So glad you left a comment at Split Coast so I could find your blog ! Mine is

  2. Wow - this is so creative! Love your sketch and that your flowers co-ordinate so well with that yummy Basic grey paper!!! So pretty!

  3. That layout is fantastic! And the finished project is very pretty.

  4. This is a fantastic sketch - love how the bottom is cut out - what a great idea! Your card sample is fantastic too!!

  5. you've got great colors here! love the layout, too!
    ran across some old photos, you had short hair. just wanted to pop in and let you know that i miss our talks... hope you're well!

  6. WOW! This is a really neat card! TFS!


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