Friday, November 9, 2007

Sisterhood of the blogging stampers

I've been married for 21 years to a wonderful outdoor's man. We love to travel, RV and fish during the summer months, or whenever we can. We are the proud parents of a furry four legged dog (half siberian husky, half golden retriever) named Dylan.
I'm an Angel Company demonstrator/hobbiest and respect and enjoy just about any stamp companies images. You know how it is, if you like it, buy it!
When people first meet me, they think I'm a girlie girl. But I'm a tom boy at heart! Please visit some of the excellent blogs listed under the SBS badge on your right! There are a lot of really great ideas and lots of inspiration for you to browse through.


  1. Morning Laurie! Nice to meet you - I'm off to you to my SBS blogroll and then check out your wonderful blog.

  2. Hi Laurie,
    I added you to my list. I'm excited that we have a sketch person in our group!

  3. I love your blog. I love that daisy.

  4. Love all of your sketches and such. I will have to get my stamps out today...if the kids behave for me.

  5. Love the blog. I will have to try some of your sketches. Here's my blog.

  6. Laurie, I love the sketches you have on your blog. I'll have to give some of them a try. I've added you to my SBS list!

  7. Great blog! Love your lay-outs! WOW! I have added you to my SCS list! Take care! :) kt

  8. Hello to one of the SBS sister!! Glad to have you on my list!!

    A warning: I go nut over collecting "sketches" LOL!

  9. Hi sista!

    Sorry I'm so late checkin' in on your blog!

    I'm lovin' it and am super excited to get to know all the sistas!

    Have a great night...


  10. so, how do i join the SBS? i looked on SCS and must be a little 'off'. no comments from you! =)
    love checking out your blog for new sketches! and as for that "you don't do crap...", i had an S.O.R. and now i'm on vacation! so if you thought three was a lot, this is only day 2 of vaca!
    miss ya!



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