Saturday, October 20, 2007

Card Sketch #29 - In the Meadow

Here is sketch #29. I found this very cute snowman stamp at my LSS and fell in love! The stamp is by Great Impressions, and they happen to be located about 30 miles from my home. :-) I believe that I've mentioned that they have an outlet location at their factory in an earlier post. Ok, getting back to the sketch......

I put a piece of white cardstock through my cuttlebug with the snowflake embossing folder, and used that for the background. The base is dark blue cardstock from Archiver's. I stamped the sentiment and snowflakes in versamark and used fine white embossing powder to emboss.

Snowmen are colored with prismacolor pencils and OMS. I also used my stardust pen from sakura to highlight portions of the mufflers, etc. For the pompom on the left snowman's hat, I used my quickie glue pen and some fine glitter.

Both of the small panels are popped up with dimensional tape. By the way, I have to put in a plug for Cornish Heritage Farms glacier white detail embossing powder. This is the best stuff on the market in my honest opinion. I have tried several other brands of white embossing powder and none of them stack up to this!

Stamps: Sentiment and snowflakes: The Angel Company
Snowmen - Great Impressions

It rainy and windy today....perfect for stamping! Have a great weekend!

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