Friday, October 12, 2007

Card Sketch #27

Here's card sketch #27! I did make some adjustments to this when I designed the card. I originally had photo corners made from a cuttlebug die on the card, but felt that they were too much and took them off.

The card base is grey cardstock is from Archivers. The designer paper is from The Crafters Workshop called "Enchanted Complements".
Stamps used are from Stampin' Up - priceless. I stamped the butterfly in colorbox chalk ink twice. Cut out one set and popped them up with dimensionals. I distressed the edges of the panels with Palette burnt umber.

I'm not real happy with the color ink I used for the butterflies. I had a hard time finding a close matching ink that went with the designer paper, and ended up settling with what you see here.

I'm going out to the Mall of America in Minneapolis tonight. I went once already, but just barely touched the surface of this huge four level mega shopping mall. This place is just awesome! This time I'm taking my camera so that I can take some pictures of the amusement park that's in the center of the mall. I just love it when I can mix business with pleasure!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Laurie-
    I love reading your blog! I am a fellow Angel and I just love seeing all the card designs. It gets me going :)
    Enjoy the mall of america... I've never been but I've heard Archivers is awesome!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this sketch. Thank you for sharing your awesome work!


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