Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Card Sketch #23

Here is my latest sketch card. I've tried to mix up the sizes of my sketches to keep things interesting. This one as you can see, is square.

The card base is dark grey from Bazzill Basic's and the designer paper is from DCWV from their travel stack. I used some peel off's of leaves for the corners, stamped the left corner leaf (CTMH) with versamark and embossed with gold. The leaves in the bottom panel are stamped with Palette burnt umber and are from SU. The sentiment and the swirl are from The Angel Company, also stamped in Palette burnt umber. I thought the DP matched well with a lighter shade of grey from Bazzill, also. Since fall is upon us, I thought the pink tones in the DP reminded me of the shades of leaves as they start to turn color.

Well, I made it to Archivers and spent way too much money. I just love that store, so much to look at and choose from. I hope that one day they make it up to the Northwest. I also drove by a Hobby Lobby (we don't have these, either) and had to brake real hard to turn in., is that a great store, too. I resisted spending money there, even though all of the paper was 50% off. I just didn't think that it would be able to fit in my suitcase for the trip home. You know those weight restrictions, and if I had bought all the paper that I wanted to, I would've tipped the scales. LOL...

Well, let me know what you think about this latest card sketch. I appreciate any and all comments!


  1. Laurie, I love your card sketches! I'm glad you post them because it gives me some inspiration!

  2. what a great card! it's just gorgeous! hope you're having fun & being safe!

  3. I love your card, Laurie, and I made one for the challenge. It is is the first card in this post.

    Thanks and I've added your blog to my blogroll as I love challenges.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it more than you know!