Saturday, August 18, 2007

Camping scrapbook pages

Well, I've finished four pages from our camping trip so far! I tend to add a lot of pictures to my layouts and not a lot of journaling. I just hate my handwriting (and making mistakes) so I end up typing things out on the computer most of the time. In this first two page layout, I actually journaled in my own writing!! I used the journaling stamp set from Autumn Leaves and then wrote a little bit about our trip.

The second two page layout was really fun to do. I just used the great pictures of the 4 mountains (check out my previous post) to capture the awe we felt seeing these. I used SU DD pines on the bottom with colorbox chalk ink in warm green. I then used colorbox chalk ink in ice blue to add sky and clouds. The clouds were done with the Picasso brass template from Dreamweaver Stencils.

I purchased a Wishblade about six weeks ago, and had a lot of fun playing with titles on these pages. What a great investment that was for me! I think it's made it's return on investment with all the great things that I've been able to do with it so far. And I've only just begun!

More layouts to come!

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