Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Embossed Daisy

Happy 4th of July!

This is my card I did for card sketch #131 on SCS. I embossed my main image with my cuddlebug after I colored it with my prismacolor pencils. The designer paper is from K&Company. The main cardstock is bazzill. Daisy is from the flowery fun set from The Angel Company.

I was recently tagged by Mercy Kerin and I'm suppose to tell 7 random things about myself. So, here we go...

1. I'm addicted to the card sketch challenges at SCS and ASB. you all don't know that one already. LOL
2. I have a secret that I can't reveal until about a month from now...stay tuned.
3. I have ketchup in my veins. That's what us tenured upper management folks tend to say when asked why we've worked for McDonald's for so long. I've been at it for 28 years.
4. My dh thinks that I'm a computer guru...when in fact I just use my common sense. He thinks that I can fix all of his major mess ups, when in fact, he just needs to use the brain he was given and work things out for himself. LOL !!!!
5. I have a 4 legged, furry child named Dylan.
6. I'm a classic rock kind of gal.
7. I'm in the process of scrapbooking our camping trip from last weekend. Once done, I'll post the pictures here.

Now, I'm suppose to tag 7 people. But, I'll have to get back to this later.

Hope you all had a great 4th with family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh I never thought to emboss after stamping and coloring. Thanks for the idea! Great card by the way :)


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