Saturday, June 2, 2007

I've been Tagged!

I just got tagged by Jovi with this new blogger game. Here are the answers to the new round of questions!

Yourself: Fair
Your Partner: Stubborn (giggle)
Your Hair: Dirty blonde, with artificial lighter strands
Your Mother: fun
Your Father: determined
Your Favorite Item: My Nikon coolpix 4300
Your Dream Last Night: I can't remember
Your Favorite Drink: Pepsi
Your Dream Car: Volvo s80
Dream Home: A log cabin with a view of the mountains and a river
The Room You Are In: Home Office/stamping room
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Retired
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Bob and Dylan
You’re Not: near sighted anymore after Lasik surgery on 5/21!
One of Your Wish List Items: Change careers!
The Last Thing You Did: Got my nails done.
You Are Wearing: shorts and a T-Shirt
Your Favorite Weather: sunny and 85 with a slight breeze
Last Thing You Ate: Quizno's french dip sandwich
Your Life: Happy
Your Mood: very good
Your Best Friend: Bob
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: Finishing up the card I had such problems with last night. Nothing was going right!
Your Car: Suzuki Grand Vitara
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Answering This
Relationship Status: Married
What Is On Your TV: Nothing
What Is The Weather Like: Sunny and 79
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: This morning

Okay… now I get to tag 3 bloggers and I tag:
Vicki Hook
Jenn a.k.a. doodlepie
Toni - the art of cards

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