Monday, May 28, 2007

Tutorial - How to cover coasters

Ok, I'm going to try to do my first tutorial on here....Hopefully this turns out ok!

Assemble your glue stick (I use a colored one that dries clear so that I can see where I'm putting the glue) brayer and coaster.

Next, cover the coaster with glue (don't be stingy).

Add your choice of paper (any paper will work) to the coaster. Next, use your brayer to iron on the paper to the coaster.

Use your craft knife to cut the paper around the coaster.

Then use a sanding block or nail file to file off the rough edges. I just found the new file kit by Basic Grey that is just awesome, and I highly recommend it!

Then stamp or decorate the coaster however you want. Use a strong hole punch (crop-a-dile) to punch out your holes that you will use to tie your ribbons through. You can use 5 coaster to make a box or 2 to make a picture frame as I did below.

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