Thursday, April 5, 2007


Ok, here's the final results of the stamping room remodel. Wall paint is cottonwood by Ralph Lauren. All cabinets and counter tops are from Lowes (in stock). It's going to take me some time to get used to all the counter space I now have to work with. I'm also going to have to learn to put things away when I'm done with it...LOL ! But, oh...the drawers and cupboards are soooo worth the hassle of doing-it-yourself!


  1. This is AMAZING! I'm sooo jealous! You'll have a blast filling in all the storage!

  2. Wow Laurie! It looks fabulous! You'll feel inspired to stamp all of the time now! Enjoy it!!

  3. OMGosh Laurie… your stamp room is gorgeous and I LOVE the Cottonwood color, it looks beautiful with the cabinets.


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