Saturday, December 23, 2006


I have been posting my cards and scrapbook stuff on SCS for a couple of months. A couple of Angel's that do so too, pointed me to that has an Angel's only forum. I have seen a few interesting threads there and might start frequenting the site more. To this date, I have been a big fan of splitcoast stampers. This is because there are a lot of people on the site and more info., techniques and pictures than a shade of blue.

Here's the dilemma, though. There seems to be a lot of drama going on lately. Lot's of bad mouthing other stamp company's and just plain old nastiness. I wonder if this is healthy competition between all the different stamp companies or what? We all tend to have our favorites and get pretty loyal about defending them. But, at some point we all just need to learn to grin and bear it. We have bigger things to worry about in the world than which stamp company is bigger or better.

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